
Red - The Heroic Rescue

Thomas has succeeded in convincing some people in the US government to listen to him. On earth, he goes to rescue Monique de Raison, again. In Other Earth, he is faced with the problem of Justin, a renegade warrior preaching love for the horde. 
I can't really explain much more without spoiling parts of the book, but rest assured, it's even better than Black!!

As usual, this is a quite violent book. Ted is not overtly gory when describing battle fields, but there is a lot of fighting.
A man is essentially beaten to a pulp (e.g. face bones completely shattered, almost all bones broken) then drowned. 

Sexual Themes
Nothing explicit. The usual romance, kissing. Thomas asks Justin if they should "take [the Shataiki] to bed with them." Not sure what he meant...

A horde man calls Rachelle a 'wench'.

Dark Elements
This book is less of a dark element.


I liked this book best, and sobbed through most of it. It is not a sad or depressing book! It is extremely touching! I loved it, I think it is my favorite! I would rate it PG-13 again, this time for a scene of heart-wrenching brutality.

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